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ATable for AutoCAD v6.8
Shareware. Free try for 30 days. ($29.95) discount price
AutoCAD 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006

ATable - the powerful and effective application integrated in AutoCAD for creation of tables directly in the drawing.

ATable for AutoCAD is the convenient, powerful application having a unique functions. Convenience ATable proves to be true that all its commands and action are similar to commands Microsoft Word and Excel.

Выбор нескольких диапазонов Объединение ячеек и поворот текста Вставка блоков в ячейки и изменение нескольких таблиц одновременно
Менеджер стилей таблиц и организация их хранения Использование вычислений и помощника Использование окна свойств для изменения таблицы

Separately it is meaningful to stop on unique features.

ATable for AutoCAD has the advanced mechanism of the analysis of the entered text and automatically allows to break it into lines in case of need. There are four mechanisms of behaviour of the text.

Fit text - the mechanism which is applied in a case when it is necessary to allow an opportunity fit the text in a cell. It is very convenient to use, if in a cell there are units of measurements, a designation of normative documents and other designations which are undesirable for transferring for other line.

Break text - the mechanism which is applied in a case when fit the text it is inadmissible. It is very convenient to use, if in a cell the usual text is placed.

Unbreaked text - the mechanism which does not supervise the text and transfers the text only after translation of a line by the user. It is used, as a rule, for names of tables etc.

Fitted text - the mechanism which enters the text before carry of a line by the user. It is used seldom, but it is applicable.

Styles of tables also deserve separate attention. Style is set of parameters on which the table will be constructed. In style specify quantity of columns and rows, their sizes, style the text and its parameters, color, thickness and a layer of horizontal and vertical borders. Except for it, in style specifies a name of a file of the block of a cap of the table. ATable for AutoCAD it is delivered with a plenty of ready styles of tables

It will be interesting to CAD department of the modern enterprise to find out, that styles (it is a separate file with expansion ats) can be created and placed in a shared network folder. It gives huge opportunities on standardization and perfection of tables at the enterprise.


Except for it, ATable for AutoCAD has keys features:

  • edit a few tables at one time (new!)
  • dynamic update of table in drawing during editing
  • dynamic display selected cells in drawing
  • adding and removing rows and columns
  • real join cell
  • sorting text in cells
  • interface "as in" Microsoft Excel
  • formula calculation in cells (like in Excel)
  • add-on attaching
  • changing tables properties in AutoCAD Object Property Manager
  • switching borders display
  • switching text object type (DTEXT or MTEXT)
  • switching text fitting
  • switching of making lines in cell between strings
  • automatic text splitting in cell (three modes)
  • changing insertion point of table
  • horizontal and vertical aligning of text
  • easy changing of column width and row height
  • changing text style of table
  • easy changing of text height in each cell
  • easy changing of text line spacing
  • tuning of width factor and oblique angle (DTEXT only)
  • simplified table creating from existing one
  • reading text into cells/rows/columns from drawing
  • changing layer, color and lineweight for text
  • changing layer, color and lineweight for vertical and horizontal borders
  • changing color and lineweight for text and borders individually
  • prepare table in drawing via Lisp function
  • changing table properties before, during and after inserting table
  • edit table after insertion
  • inserting header to table (with attribute)
  • creating table styles
  • locking key properties by table style
  • changing hotkey for main commands
  • Unicode support
  • COM model (new!)
  • English, Czech, Chinese, Russian interfaces (new!)

Cost ATable for AutoCAD out of competition. Inculcation and installation does not demand a lot of time since network installation is supported, and on training there leaves not enough time (all commands are already familiar to the user).

Power ATable for AutoCAD is increased with additional modules (add-ons) which add all new and new functions. For example, import of the data from Excel, converting of tables of the drawing in ATable etc.

atableG2G allows to transfer data from manually created tables in the drawing to the active table of editor ATable. Simply choose by window the table and it appears in editor ATable.
atableT2G allows to transfer text from the drawing to active table. The chosen text can be sorted on axes X and Y, is inserted into column, row or cell.
atableX2G allows to transfer data from Microsoft Excel to the active table of editor ATable. Considers a choice of cells both in Excel, and in ATable.


The organizations using ATable:


ATable for AutoCAD 2007, 2008, 2009

16 Apr 22

ATable for AutoCAD 2004, 2005, 2006

16 Apr 22

ATable for AutoCAD 2002

16 Apr 22

Bulgarian interface for ATable 6.8

16 Apr 22

Vietnamese interface for ATable 6.8

16 Apr 22

Chinese interface for ATable 6.8

16 Apr 22

Ukrainian interface for ATable 6.8

16 Apr 22

Lithuanian interface for ATable 6.8

16 Apr 22
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